“What the mind believes, the body achieves.”
This was written on the back of the Hayward girl’s basketball team summer t-shirts in middle school. Over the past 30 years that saying has popped into my head more than I care to admit. It usually is seen as a positive statement.
But recently I have wrestled with what if what you believe is wrong… I’m not talking on some political or ethical front here, I’m talking about a belief you have for yourself that guides a daily choice. For example, I believed when I was training for my marathon that I could eat trail mix whenever I wanted and there would be no consequence. I believed I “earned” the right to eat pizza after long runs. With this belief, I achieved weight gain while training for marathon. Son-of-a… that was devastating.
On the other hand, placebo effect is a real thing in medicine. You can believe so hard in a capsule or tablet that it fixes things that are physically impossible.
Belief is not truth…
Damn that stings.
If your Whoop watch tells you that your workout was shitty, and you also see you didn’t sleep well… You might miss the fact that you had 4 glasses of wine with dinner; and all the noise-making, light-blocking machines and melatonin in the world won’t help your problem.
Believe you can do it… But be truthful enough to know what “it” is…
Suicide Prevention Month
September is Suicide Prevention month.
When I was 15, I had 2 friends die by suicide (gunshot) within 3 months of each other. When I was 43, I lost my brother-in-law to an alcohol overdose. Same manner of death, different weapon.
It is estimated that 19% of the adults in the country have a mental health illness and mental health medications make 7 of the top 20 prescription drugs sold annually. Mental health crises account for 6 million ER visits every year.
Mental health is complicated and treating it is hard. Our medicines come with unwanted effects, and we don’t get results overnight. This is where conventional and functional medicine combined can provide the highest impact. Let me answer your medication questions and look for ways to combat the side effects.
Consider adding these non-medication approaches to your plan:
Whole foods in diet 80% of the time
30 minutes outside daily
Connecting with your people; as simple as a text
15 minutes of vigorous exercise (think 10/10 exertion in small intervals)
If your path to wellness is complicated … I’m here… reach out.
**If you are in crisis dial 988 for help**
Different Opinion
I should probably declare something here… I believe in natural and conventional medicine. I know, I know… some of you are appalled, maybe even disappointed. Saying I’m a “functional medicine provider” seems to put me in an anti-Western medicine group.
Two things can be true at once. There are medications that are absolutely necessary in certain illnesses. There are natural medicines that can treat diseases. I believe in this beautiful place — where we can pull the best of both worlds to reach our highest health. Blindly following one path is missing our full potential.
Medications and supplements are overwhelming even when they are beneficial. Medications and supplements can be dangerous. You can overdose on anything. What we put in our mouths has the biggest impact on our health.
If you are here because you want to dig deeper or ask all those things you forgot to at the clinic — let’s get started.
Hello everyone,
I decided to start a blog. Something to help navigate over-the-counter products. You know, things that can greatly affect your health but are ridiculously unregulated. As a retail pharmacist by day… I see what you’re buying. I see what you put in your mouths. I hear the marketing. The number one question I get on a daily basis is “should I take this?” I follow-up with “Well, what are you trying to do?” The blank stares I get in return are honestly concerning.
I’m hoping I can give some clarity and make common sense a thing again. Especially when it comes to supplements.
Remember they are just that — supplements.
You’re better off EATING your nutrients, vitamins, and minerals - you know fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Our bodies process it better from food. Synergy is abig deal.
Welcome to my blog…